SiriusX is a Blockchain technology platform that provides tourism and social media services.

The world of tourism is one of the foreign exchange-producing sectors that has considerable potential to be developed. The tourism sector is currently increasing very fast development along with the increasing need for tourism, the tourism sector associated with modern community life. The higher the level of education and economy of a person or society, the need for tourism will be even greater. This is because in the long term the sector has become one of the economic sectors that must grow and develop in accordance with the development and dynamics of the world community, so it is surprising that many countries, including Indonesia, also move the tourism sector as a source of economic drivers for the country's future.

Tourism is developed in a country for a variety of reasons, however, the main reason is to generate economic benefits from the entry of foreign exchange for the country, increasing the income of the people and government. Tourism can also encourage the protection of the social or social environment of local communities because tourism objects are assets that can be sold to tourists so that the community has the awareness and a great desire to use all the potential of tourism to be able to be looked at and remain available to tourists.

The development of tourist attractions can be done with the development carried out with good planning and development with overall regional development. Development that is well prepared, integrated and sustainable so that the objectives of environmental preservation and welfare improvement can be achieved. The implementation of regional autonomy that gives permission for the region to optimize all the potential needed, including in the regional development sector, so that the benefits can be understood and used for regional development that leads to the development of national tourism.

The success of tourism development depends only on how many attractions are owned, the beauty, naturalness and cultural uniqueness and traditions of the community about attractions or tourist areas which are far more important are human resources as managers, tourism transportation management systems and tourism information itself. Quality human resources and good maintenance management and accurate, and easily accessible information will be able to develop tourism potentials to be better so as to provide a positive increase for improving the welfare of the community and improving the region or country.

SiriusX is a Blockchain technology platform that provides tourism and social media services. Of course many are asking, why does this platform use Blockchain technology? This is because besides using a decentralized system, it also has a transparency system. So user data cannot be changed or falsified by hackers, which is certainly a very safe system for users. In addition, Blockchain technology also uses relatively low transaction costs, this is because the technology does not use third parties as intermediaries so as to minimize the costs of using transactions.

Of course, at this time there are still many lay people who do not trust online travel sites as a medium to facilitate ticket bookings and others, which is because he does not want to be a victim of a crime committed by certain elements. So he must visit a travel agent to buy tickets at a relatively high price and not get lodging at a low price, which will result in a lot of costs. However, the presence of SiriusX with Blockchain technology will certainly increase user confidence and security.

It is not easy to be able to make a platform that has a high level of technological sophistication, which certainly requires quality human resources and has a lot of experience, and has a lot of knowledge in the field of technology and cryptocurrency. Likewise, SiriusX has high-quality human resources such as Pattrick Scheiter, where he is the founder and CEO of SiriusX.

At present, SiriusX not only provides travel services and lodging information but also provides social media for users. Where users can exchange information or share about their experiences through social media. Like social media in general, SiriusX social media also gives you the freedom to use it in accordance with the wishes of the user, where he can display profiles, share pictures, stories, and experiences. In addition, users will also get prizes in the form of SiriusX tokens to share travel experiences, as a travel reference for other users.

In addition, to facilitate users who want to make transactions, the SiriusX platform has provided a SiriusX card as a possible transaction tool. Where users can make direct transactions without face to face quickly, which card will also be equipped with a PIN code and of course also use the SiriusX digital wallet. In addition, the card can also be accessed more easily than using a bank service card. For users who want to make payments, they can do it using a single currency, SRX token.

Previously, SiriusX had carried out various plans to realize the success of the platform. Where the plan can be realized in part in 2018 starting from an emergency idea, then making the SiriusX project, determining the team in the company, making white papers and planning to do crowdfunding. Furthermore, in Q4 2018, the platform has conducted SiriusX crowdfunding with the ICO method, and the development of smart contracts based on Ethereum. Then in the period Q1 to Q2 2019, which falls from January to June 2019, he has developed a travel and social media version of SiriusX and developed a platform that is followed by presenting the latest features such as beta applications. After that, in Q3 2019 which fell from July to September 2019, the platform made updates on SiriusX travel and social networking, then also launched the SiriusX application that can be used for iOS and Android, followed by promoting social media.

Not only that, in Q4 209 to Q1 2020, the SiriusX platform will hold token sales, which will amount to 100 million SRX tokens and make an initial coin offer (ICO) with a total supply of tokens of 82 million SRX. Then finally, in Q2 2020, he will solve the travel platform and network issues of SRX media integration, launch a functional application and payment card that can be used worldwide, then will give monthly prizes to users who post the most popular experiences.

The use of online travel services using this application is certainly very easy for users, even more so that it can be used without a certain time limit. Therefore, SiriusX provides a travel solution that is safe, fast, cheap, complete, and can be accessed anytime and anywhere.


The tourism sector is basically a sector that has enormous potential for increasing state or regional income and increasing community income when it is able to be managed properly. One factor that is causing the underdevelopment of the national tourism sector at this time is due to information management. With Siriusx

The use of information technology in the development of the tourism sector in the form of a blockhchain platform will have a very large impact on the development of the tourism sector and lead to an increase in revenue in the tourism sector.

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ETH: 0xF1E868d28b5D84f22c174351E1e3fDBEF8e1Ec12

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